Category Archives: Personal Injury

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Premises Liability Explained.

Injuries can occur in any number of ways. One common way people get injured—at work, at a friend’s home, at the store, while walking down the sidewalk—is by tripping and falling. In law, “premises liability” is the legal theory that makes property owners responsible for…

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What You Can Do to Get Ready for…

If your circumstances (for example, an accident, work injury, slip and fall, medical malpractice, etc.) have you caught up in a lawsuit, you just might find yourself bewildered by all the legal rules, verbiage, and procedures. If you’ve never been exposed to litigation before, don’t…

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If You Are In A Car Accident In…

The cause of most car accidents is carelessness on the part of one of the drivers involved. Sometimes both drivers are at fault to different degrees. When it comes to deciding how a person’s “fault” for an accident affects their personal injury recovery, every state…

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Asleep At The Wheel: A Serious Trucking Issue.

Every year over 110,000 people are injured and more than 5,000 are killed in motor vehicle accidents involving commercial trucks. If that’s not scary enough, one study conducted by the Harvard School of Medicine – Sleep Medicine Division reported that nearly half of all semi-truck…

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Louisiana’s Damages Cap.

Louisiana is like no place else. No other state in the Union was named for a French king. (King Louis XIV.). In Louisiana , we have our own way of doing things. Our geography, food, even our language is different from anyone else’s. So are our laws.…

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Legal Hurdles To Be Overcome In A Brain…

Some cases may be more difficult to prove than others. That does not mean they cannot be proved, simply that for some cases, we just have to fight harder to win. Brain injury cases can be like that. Brain Injury Cases and Legal Proof. Why…

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Spinal Cord Injuries and Lawsuits: Some Things To…

Catastrophic injuries—like spinal cord injuries—have serious, long-term effects on the victim. They often also put enormous stress on the victim’s family due to the change in circumstances, new needs of the victim, and astronomical medical bills. Indeed, the costs associated with spinal cord injuries are…

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Being Overweight Is Never Good, But In Commercial…

Have you ever wondered what makes an accident between a car (or, heaven forbid, a motorcycle) and a commercial trucking vehicle so horrendous? Mass. The sheer size and weight of 18-wheelers, tractor-trailers, and semis that are frequently loaded down with large quantities of products or…

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Trucking Accidents: Big Rigs, Catastrophic Injuries And Lots…

Trucking is a big business. According to the U.S Department of Transportation (“DOT”), trucking accounts for 70% of the total tonnage and 71% of the value of all goods shipped in this country, and many truckers travel at least 600 miles to get to their…

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What Is The 60/70 Hour Rule?

It’s not hard to sympathize with commercial truck drivers when you consider how difficult their working conditions are: long, lonely hours on the road away from their families for days at a time, sitting in cramped conditions, dealing with the stress of traffic all day…

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