Author Archives: Georgia B. Day

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What Steps You Should Take Immediately After a…

If you are in any kind of car accident, there are a number of steps that you should take immediately to protect yourself at the scene and your interests if you later file a personal injury claim. Here are just 4 things you should do…

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4 Things You Can Do to Ride Safely…

Riding a motorcycle in the city, on the highway, or even down a country road can be fun, but risky. Motorcycle accidents are not uncommon, and when they occur, the injuries to a rider can be catastrophic—even if you are wearing leathers and a helmet.…

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3 Things You Should Always Tell Your Personal…

If you have never worked with an attorney before, you may not understand how close and how personal the attorney-client relationship can be. You work with your attorney like a team. Your attorney is your advocate, counselor, and advisor. It is your job to make…

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Why You Should See a Doctor after Even…

You’ve just had a fender bender. It’s not a bad crash, but you did hit your head on the steering wheel and you’re shaken up a bit. You call the police, exchange information with the other driver, and report it to your insurance company. When…

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Can You Recover for Your Grief in a…

If another person’s negligence, recklessness, or intentional conduct caused the death of someone you love, and you are a qualifying survivor under Louisiana’s wrongful death statute, you might be able to file a wrongful death claim. A “wrongful death” claim allows certain qualified individuals to…

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Motorcycle Defects Can Lead to Accidents.

In 2018, Harley-Davidson recalled a number of its motorcycles. It was Harley-Davidson’s fifth recall in five years. While many motorcycle accidents occur because of biker or passenger car driver error, we shouldn’t discount the fact that sometimes the cause of an accident is a mechanical…

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Understanding Wrongful Death Claims.

Coming to grips with the death of a loved one is never easy. When that person died as the result of the carelessness or intentional misconduct of another, the impact on those left behind can be devastating. Wrongful Death Claims In General. Wrongful death can…

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Oil Spills Ooze a Variety of Legal Claims.

According to the U.S. Coast Guard and the federal Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, in October of 2017, a damaged pipeline operated by LLOG Exploration leaked 672,000 gallons of oil into Lake Pontchartrain. According to a Coast Guard press release, the privately-owned company originally…

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Different Types of Claims Brought in Oil Spill…

In April of 2010, the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig (which was drilling for BP) exploded off the coast of Louisiana. The explosion caused a fire on the platform, and ultimately the Deepwater Horizon sunk. Eleven workers died and 17 were injured. The blowout caused a…

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Two Good Reasons Why You Should Hire Counsel…

You don’t need an attorney for every legal dispute or difficulty you may have, but there are some cases where having competent counsel is not only prudent, but an absolute must, A lawsuit involving serious brain injury is one of them. Here are 2 reasons…

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