Author Archives: Georgia B. Day

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Can You Get A Brain Injury From a…

Many times we dismiss “fender-benders” or slow-speed rear-end collisions as not “really all that bad” or as “nothing serious.” While at first slow-speed collisions may not seem all that serious, sometimes the injuries sustained from such a crash can be very serious. Here’s why. Because…

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Think The Insurance Adjuster Is Your Friend? Think…

Whenever you are injured because of someone else’s negligence, and you file a claim to recover for your damages, it is more than likely that you will be dealing with some type of insurance company. It doesn’t matter whether you were injured in a car…

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Attractive Nuisance and Premises Liability. What Is it?

People get hurt in all kinds of ways and in all kinds of places. Sometimes, the danger can be as close as your own back yard. Premises Liability In law, the general rule is that all property owners must maintain their property in a reasonably…

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4 Things You Can Do To Improve Your…

If you have been injured because of another person’s negligence, you don’t want to do anything that may jeopardize your ability to recover from the at-fault person for the damage you have suffered. While you may not like the idea of having to pursue legal…

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Who Are Potential Defendants in a Toxic Tort…

In most civil litigations, there is generally one plaintiff and one defendant. In toxic tort cases, however, it’s not like that. Toxic Tort Cases A toxic tort is a legal claim that is made when a person is harmed by exposure to a dangerous substance,…

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Fish Processing Dangers and Injuries

In Louisiana, we’re no strangers to hard, dirty, dangerous work. Like commercial fishing. Louisiana’s wild-caught seafood industry provides jobs for 26,403 people; generates income totaling $484 million; and sales of more than $1.3 billion. While Louisiana’s commercial fishing industry may be lucrative, it’s also dangerous.…

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What is the Doctrine of Unseaworthiness?

Maritime law also referred to as admiralty law, is made up of statutes and case law governing legal disputes originating on navigable waters. “Navigable waters” include all bodies of water that are capable of being used for interstate or foreign commerce. Rivers that flow into…

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3 Things You Can Do To Prevent a…

As we pointed out in one of our other recent posts, distracted driving has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. Every day people are injured or killed in car accidents that were caused by a distracted driver. In today’s post, we want to give…

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Distracted Driving is Now a National Epidemic

Here’s some very disturbing news. According to AAA, distracted driving crashes are now a national epidemic. While distracted driving can be anything that prevents a driver from paying attention to the road, like putting on lipstick, smoking, changing the radio, eating, or drinking, the main…

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What is “Maintenance and Cure”?

Working aboard a ship—any type of ship— is a dangerous and demanding job. Injuries are not uncommon. However, because seamen are not land-based workers, when it comes to being compensated for a work-related injury or an illness (whether work-related or not), their legal rights are…

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